NaZemi, z. s.

Giving Information Environment

We promote degrowth because we believe that a decent and dignified life for all is possible within planetary limits.

We need to create an economic system that allows everyone to live a good life within planetary limits. The growth system fails to do that. That is why we bring a vision of degrowth to Czechia. Our long-term goal is to start a society-wide discussion about degrowth so that it becomes part of the public debate and is discussed on TV, in parliament and in pubs.

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We are an autonomous collective that promotes a vision of sustainable degrowth in the Czech Republic.

The current economic setup fails to provide a good life for all and yet exceeds the planetary limits. Despite enormous material wealth, it does not meet the basic needs of a large part of the world's population. It is creating ever greater inequalities and concentrations of power, undermining our freedom and democracy. A focus on green growth will not solve our problems, as numerous scientific studies have shown. We need to start addressing the causes and not just the symptoms of the current crises.

That is why we advocate degrowth. A vision of a more democratic, sustainable, free and just society. Degrowth offers inspiration for the level of individuals, institutions, companies and the state that contribute to a better quality of human life within the limits of the planet and the liberation from the dependence on the constant growth of production and consumption.

How do we contribute to the vision of degrowth?
  • we are creating a degrowth website
  • we lecture and teach, we have given over 150 lectures
  • we write media articles and give interviews
  • we prepare methodologies, policy papers and academic texts
  • we publish books, after the debut Čas : dorůst we are now preparing a new title
  • we are involved in the translation and publication of foreign books on degrowth topics
  • we organise Degrowth academy
  • we are working on Summer school of degrowth
  • we are preparing conferences and Global Degrowth Day
  • we run workshops for (summer) schools
  • we educate other organisations and institutions about degrowth
  • we coordinate a wider Czech working group on degrowth
  • we inform about Czech and world events in the field of degrowth through a newsletter
  • we share information and current events and promote degrowth on Facebook and Instagram
  • we are part of the International Degrowth Network and share the latest information
  • we link a community of people who are interested in or actively involved in degrowth
Successful enforcement of degrowth requires significant financial resources and human effort. Our group has been operating since 2021 and most of our work is in an unsustainable volunteer mode, which is not ideal for stable degrowth advocacy.

Donate regularly or make a one-off donation to enable us to focus on a key issue for our future.

Thank you, together we are creating a degrowth world.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Diky za to, co delate)

Anežka Špačková
CZK 500

Díky za všechnu energii, kterou věnujete nerůstu


Jednou se ty mainstreamový média prolomí, tak posílám špetku, ať vám vydrží trpělivost.

Anna Neumannová
CZK 300

Mým lidovým rozhodnutím jsem určil výši Vaší podpory na 1 Kč pro Váš nerůst, jinak byste mohli růst a tím popřít sami sebe. Hlavně nerůst!

Libor M

Dekuji moc za Vasi odvahu celit twitterovym chytroprdum.
Verim, ze diky Vam a dalsim cesti novinari treba za dvacet let pochopi,
jak funguje neziskovy sektor a jaka je jeho uloha ve spolecnosti.

CZK 1,000

To zpochybňování nevládek skrze využívání dotací mě štve neskutečně. Tak snad se nás po tomhle trapném výstupu dvtv najde víc, co budeme pravidleně přispívat.

Lucie Jarkovská

Díky moc za vaši práci!

Lucie Arendacká

Hodně zdaru!

Adam Bílek
CZK 100

Díky moc za to, co děláte. Posílám peníze za Čas dotůst. :))

Klára Buriánková
CZK 250

Ďakujem za vašu prácu!

Miriam Macurová