Forest.Ink z.s.

Philanthropy and Volunteering Environment

Let's give life to the forest

The association Forest.Ink with its Ecuadorian sister Bosque Medicinal (Medicinal Forest) leads a project that aims to maintain the biodiversity of the rainforest and support the sustainable development of the Ecuadorian Amazon region through the purchase of land, volunteer stays, research and education. So far, we have managed to acquire less than 100 ha of land that forms a protective buffer barrier around the El Paraíso Reserve. We are now seeking a neighboring 30 ha plot of land, which is designated by the current owner for felling, which would have a destructive impact on the surrounding virgin nature. It is up to us whether there will be another bite of the Amazon, or if it will be managed not only for us. Let's give the forest life!

we started on 2023-11-07
raised 12 % out of  €95,484

expires in

107 days

supported by

120 people
Donate in :
secured by
Thanks to the Bosque Medicinal project - Medicinal Forest - you can be a part of the protection of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador. In this way, you will contribute to the preservation of this unique ecosystem. We have only a limited time for making the purchase, by the end of the year 2024! 

The farmer and cattle breeder, adjacent to our station in the mountains of Ecuador, is willing to sell the land which he would otherwise clear-fell to expand his ranch. After several years of cattle farming, this area will turn into a clay swamp where only non-indigenous African grass will grow.

Subsequently, due to the changes in the small water cycle, accelerated erosion, and impacts of El Niño, the original forest will irreversibly become a landscape devoid of green vegetation and original life. The photos are not illustrative but are taken by our volunteers.

At the moment, the land is still largely wooded and it also includes a smaller watercourse with two unique cascading waterfalls. Moreover, it is located next to the existing El Paraiso reserve and also next to our almost one hundred-hectare territory, which we have already managed to save from liquidation in recent years. Thus it meets the criteria of a protective buffer zone (barrier) and thanks to its location in close proximity to our station, it is available to us for physical monitoring, as a basis for protection against poachers and illegal miners.

In addition to the financial donation, thanks to which we will save another piece of the forest in the region of "Morona Santiago" - the protected area of "Runahurco" (near the city of Gualaquiza), you can also join us and participate in any volunteer stay in "El Refugio", in the virgin nature of Ecuadorian rainforest:

Each gift may be rewarded with a selected item from South American provenance:
Donation in the amount of  EUR  13 - a pendant in the shape of a humming bird , a frog, or a bracelet,
Donation in the amount of  EUR  25 – a bag, a small backpack with the project logo,
Donation in the amount of  EUR  50  – a poncho,
Donation in the amount of  EUR 100 – a decorative tapestry, 
Donation in the amount of  EUR 250 - a relevant combination of items according to the donor's choice,
Donation in the amount of EUR 500 - a relevant combination of items according to the donor's choice,
Donations above the stated amounts - a relevant combination of items of the donor's choice or an individual experience stay at our Amazon station.
The rewards will be distributed in a lump sum or at chosen locations in Prague, which we will add here afterwards, or mention in the return communication.
The goal of the Bosque Medicinal project is to maintain the rare biodiversity of the rainforest and support the sustainable development of the Ecuadorian Amazon region through land acquisition, volunteer stays, research, education, and the development of ecotourism. We carry out monitoring both personally and with the help of a network of camera traps on the purchased plots of land. In this way, we manage to record the return of protected species and reduce poaching and illegal mining in the area. The project is managed by the organization Forest.Ink z.s. and the Bosque Medicinal Fundacion.

Forest.Ink z.s.- a Czech non-profit organization whose goal is the protection and preservation of nature, especially the Amazon rainforest, sustainable development, and the restoration of a conscious relationship between man and nature.
Bosque Medicinal Fundacion - sister non-profit organization, registered in Ecuador. It is dedicated to the protection of rainforests in the Ecuadorian Amazon,  deals with Ecuadorian institutions, and is the owner of purchased land. 
The foundation president Roman Kollár about the project:

The main partners of the project in the academic field are the Mendel University in Brno (the guarantor is Mr. Ing. Jiří Schneider, Ph.D., the dean of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies) and the Universidad del Azuay in Cuenca, Ecuador, which, with its  activities and student stays at our station, help to fulfill the goals of the project and develop it in other areas as well. In addition to local students, we have also been visited by students from the Czech University of Life Sciences who during their stay,  collected materials for the elaboration of their bachelor's and master's theses, which have practical benefits for our project as well. We also cooperate with other Czech universities.

You can watch the  short video about our project here:
Let's give the life, to the forest, it will return it to us! Thank you!

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

S láskou k přírodě posílá Lenka

Lenka Lastovickova
CZK 600

Snad se podaří zachránit kus pralesa.

CZK 2,400

Místo pusy na prvního máje, aspoň podpora nedotčeného ráje :-)

Líný úředník
CZK 300

Držím palce s celkovým výběrem.
To dáte 💪🌴🤘

David Pleskač
CZK 300


Petr Šimůnek
CZK 300

Good luck with this beautiful project ♥️

Catherine Waddell

Snad pomůže

Pavel Martínek
CZK 20,000

Haux haux!

Natanael Herrmann

Nejen diky pralesu jsem prestala kourit, usetril mi tedy asi 3000 mesicne. Je fer, ze mu kazdy mesic z toho neco dam. Diky Pachamamo ❤️

CZK 400

Držím páce

Tomáš Názler
CZK 1,000