We are a volunteer organization active at Prague Main Railway Station, helping anyone fleeing war, poverty, or persecution in search of a safer life. We primarily help people from the SWANA region, Ukraine, and anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. We provide refugees with information, help with temporary accommodation in Prague, and secure food, clothing, or medical care. We also monitor stories and cases we come across that are not in compliance with the law.
Currently, all work at Iniciativa Hlavák is carried out by volunteers. On top of the humanitarian aid, the Stronger Roots matching grant will allow us to finance essentials for our work, such as administration, accounting, warehouse rental - simply put, thanks to your contribution, we can become more professional and provide more systematic and reliable assistance.
We are raising 100,000 CZK to help refugees, for whom there is often no other available support. Thanks to the Stronger roots grant, we have a chance to receive twice as much to sustain our work. By awarding us this grant, the OSF Foundation has shown recognition for our work. We truly appreciate that. Now, we only need you.
How does the matching grant work? The OSF Foundation will donate Iniciativa Hlavák an amount equal to the one we manage to raise, if we reach at least 80% of the target amount. For example, if you donate 500 CZK, we will receive another 500 CZK from the Stronger Roots grant.
What exactly do we do?
We support refugees and migrants detained in Czech detention facilities. We provide them with food packages, operate a crisis hotline, and provide further assistance after they leave the facilities. If they arrive at Prague Main Railway Station, often completely without means, we are ready to help them there as well.
We are often the first point of contact for people from Ukraine. Right at the station, we provide basic information about their rights, organizations that can help them further, and if necessary, we provide humanitarian or crisis assistance.
Děláte potřebnou práci. Hodně štěstí a síly do další činnosti!
Diky, ze jste porad takove srdcarstvo. Nikdy nezapomenu na ty roky 2015-16 🫂🫂🫂 mam vás moc rada.
Díky, že pomáháte.
Milému Hlaváku a všem, co pokračují v odkazu té první party, co nakoupila rohlíky a balené vody a vyrazila 3.9. 2015 hledat uprchlíky. <3
Díky a držím palce!
Děkuji za vše, co děláte!
Díky za vaši práci!
Dakujem za to čo robite a držim vam palce v dalšej praci. Moje želanie je aby jej bolo treba čo najmenej.