Help us face the attempts to silence the climate justice protests: help maintain a sustainable legal team for the We are the Limits organization by making a monthly donation.
In the past few years, bold actions of non-violent civil disobedience against the coal industry have helped reframe the public debate about the climate crisis, draw attention to its causes and guilty parties, and bring a demand for the urgent end of the extraction and burning of coal as an important topic in the public discourse. The question is now not whether coal should end, but when. The fossil fuel industry is getting desperate, and so it chooses a tactic familiar from other parts of the world: to supress the growing climate justice movement using civil law suits and bureaucratic repercussions.
The participants of the civil disobedience actions are faced with heavy fines, court procedures, and targeted lawsuits aiming to recuperate sunk costs for coal companies. Our legal team does excellent work and helps each individual person in fighting this. We need tens of thousands monthly for our legal team's activity to be sustainable in the long tem, and so that we can support civil disobedience actions in the future. Help us with a monthly donation.
In the situation that we find ourselves in, where we have at most a decade to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, civil disobedience in the face of unscrupulous companies and inactive politicians is well warranted. People who participate in civil disobedience are not criminals, but defenders of an important public interest. They use non-violent methods to fight for their right to a stable climate and an inhabitable planet, guaranteed by the constitution and international agreements.
Unfortunately, mining agencies and the police remain on the side of the fossil fuel industry and persecute civil disobedience participants with high fines. It's not unusual to find illegal police behaviour in which the police illegitimately ask individuals to identify themselves, or even accuse people who aren't present at the actions at all of illegal activity, just because they are active in the climate justice movement. Other people - for example those who participated in the blockade of the Bílina coal mine in 2018 - are faced with targeted lawsuits from coal companies whose aim is to financially ruin the participants and to discourage others from being active in climate activism.
We won't be discouraged, and we won't let up the pressure on the coal industry until the last mine and electrical plant are shut. This is one of the reasons that we need a strong legal team. Since 2017, our legal team has won several important cases, helped tens of people and is determined to continue in the future. We want to end coal, not end up with debilitating fines - help us with a monthly payment.
In the past few years, bold actions of non-violent civil disobedience against the coal industry have helped reframe the public debate about the climate crisis, draw attention to its causes and guilty parties, and bring a demand for the urgent end of the extraction and burning of coal as an important topic in the public discourse. The question is now not whether coal should end, but when. The fossil fuel industry is getting desperate, and so it chooses a tactic familiar from other parts of the world: to supress the growing climate justice movement using civil law suits and bureaucratic repercussions.
The participants of the civil disobedience actions are faced with heavy fines, court procedures, and targeted lawsuits aiming to recuperate sunk costs for coal companies. Our legal team does excellent work and helps each individual person in fighting this. We need tens of thousands monthly for our legal team's activity to be sustainable in the long tem, and so that we can support civil disobedience actions in the future. Help us with a monthly donation.
In the situation that we find ourselves in, where we have at most a decade to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, civil disobedience in the face of unscrupulous companies and inactive politicians is well warranted. People who participate in civil disobedience are not criminals, but defenders of an important public interest. They use non-violent methods to fight for their right to a stable climate and an inhabitable planet, guaranteed by the constitution and international agreements.
Unfortunately, mining agencies and the police remain on the side of the fossil fuel industry and persecute civil disobedience participants with high fines. It's not unusual to find illegal police behaviour in which the police illegitimately ask individuals to identify themselves, or even accuse people who aren't present at the actions at all of illegal activity, just because they are active in the climate justice movement. Other people - for example those who participated in the blockade of the Bílina coal mine in 2018 - are faced with targeted lawsuits from coal companies whose aim is to financially ruin the participants and to discourage others from being active in climate activism.
We won't be discouraged, and we won't let up the pressure on the coal industry until the last mine and electrical plant are shut. This is one of the reasons that we need a strong legal team. Since 2017, our legal team has won several important cases, helped tens of people and is determined to continue in the future. We want to end coal, not end up with debilitating fines - help us with a monthly payment.
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