Úsměvy - spolek pro pomoc lidem s Downovým syndromem a jejich rodinám

http://www.usmevy.cz Phone: 724 244 954 Email: info@usmevy.cz

We help people with Down syndrome (DS) and their families to overcome the pitfalls of their uncommon life path. We provide a solid background for children with DS and their families - we provide new parents with contacts to specialists and organize meetings with other parents. We organize special therapies that contribute to the positive development of the child. We organize lectures and worshops. We help to develop leisure activities for people with DS and we encourage families to spend free time with their children actively and with joy. We support inclusion of people with DS in society. We are dedicated to awareness-raising activities - we inform the public about the lives, abilities and needs of people with DS. We cooperate with Theater Aldente (Divadlo Aldente) and some of our members are also members of the Aldente ensemble. It is not possible to „cure“ DS, but the development of the child can be positively influenced by targeted care. When a child with DS is properly raised and educated, it will learn most of the common skills. Continuous work and positive attitude has a great impact on the development of the child, its acceptance by the family, the neighbourhoods and the whole society.

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