Česká federace potravinových bank, z.s.

Socially Disadvantaged Groups Environment


Food banks are non-profit organizations that collect food and distribute it to their partner charities and other charitable organizations. This way, food can reach end clients - children, the elderly, single parents, the disabled, the homeless, and others in need.


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secured by Darujme.cz

Goals of food banks:
  • Fight against food waste
  • Share them with those who are hungry
  • Restore solidarity between people

The Czech Federation of Food Banks is the umbrella organization of food banks in the Czech Republic. We represent all 15 functioning food banks at the national and supranational level and operate a central warehouse in Prague.


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkuji za to, co pro nás děláte!

CZK 2,000

Děkuji za Vaši práci!

Hanka Jemelková

Viva Ukraine!

Zdeňka Zemanová
CZK 500

Pro Ukrajinu...

Věra Živkov

Thanks for organizing this servce for people in need!

Matthew Hadley
CZK 1,000

dar pro Ukrajinu

Olga Richterová
CZK 3,000

Dobrou chuť.

Petr Bouda
CZK 500

Darujeme v rámci projektu Vánoční Tápání 2021 (Internetová adventní šifrovačka - tapani.cz ). Děkujeme za Vaši práci.

Jakub Novák
CZK 1,000

veselé Vánoce :)

Michal Vomáčka
CZK 500

Přeji hodně sil!

Ondřej Hašek