Nadace Via

Humanitarian Aid FLOODS

Jeseník - flood relief 2024

The once-picturesque spa town of Jeseník, nestled in the heart of the Jeseníky and Rychleby Mountains, has been devastated by a flood that exceeded even the worst forecasts. Collapsed and damaged bridges have cut off parts of the town, while destroyed roads are hindering access. Tens of thousands of residents are without gas, and many lack electricity and water supplies. Despite the city's best efforts and the strong spirit of community support, the needs far exceed what local resources can provide. Please consider contributing to our fundraising efforts to support Jeseník in this challenging time. Thank you.

we started on 2024-09-17

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2121 people
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 The fundraiser is organized by the City of Jeseník in collaboration with the Via Foundation.

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Jeseník je pro mě srdeční záležitost, vždy se k Vám ráda budu vracet. ❤️ Držte se.

Helena Ševčíková

Držte se! Moc rádi k vám s rodinkou jezdíme.

Věra Dvořáčková
CZK 2,000

Moje hluboká úcta, jste všichni hrdinové.

Josef Fukan


Jan Handor
CZK 10,000

jsme s vámi

Michal Brantl
CZK 10,000

Alena a Ivo Drbohlavovi Třebíč

CZK 2,000

Držte se.

Aleš Ptáček
CZK 1,166

Alespoň něco málo...rozdělila jsem mezi Jeseník a okolí. Držte se. Váš kraj miluju.

Dita Křivková
CZK 300

Na pomoc mému rodnému městu a všem jeho obyvatelům, kteří byli zasaženi. Držte se!

CZK 10,000

Držte se ♥️

Monika Šmídová
CZK 1,000