Společnost pro ranou péči

Children, Youth and Family People with disabilities

Rewrite the Story

Become a hero in the life stories of others. Thanks to your donation, families with children with disabilities will have someone to turn to and they will receive the care and support they need. Give them a chance for a better life. It is your gift and your support that rewrites the stories.

Rewrite the Story

🌟 Rewrite the stories of children with disabilities with your gift. Thank you ❤️
raised 100 % out of  €10,361

supported by

202 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is here for families with children with disabilities. Both for the children and the parents.

  • It is there to help parents to get professional help.
  • So that they have a ECI specialist they can turn to. So that they know how they can develop their child and receive the necessary tools for this.
  • ECI gives parents confidence and hope that they can make it as a family. It helps them overcome the most difficult period of their lives and rebuild their future.
Dear donors, you are absolutely amazing! Thank you❤️
Your donations have already fulfilled all of our 4 fundraising goals. 🌟

Goal 1: CZK 73,000 for professional care for one family for the whole year = fulfilled 👍
Goal 2: CZK 145,500 for initial diagnostic examination for 35 children = fulfilled 👍
Goal 3: CZK 205,000 for crisis intervention for the most vulnerable children in neonatal wards = fulfilled 👍
Goal 4: CZK 261,500 for education about ECI so that it reaches every family that needs it = fulfilled 👍

Donations from people like you ensure help for all families in need. Thank you for your donation.

❤️ Stellinka's story:
"It was a big shock when we found out that Stellinka was suffering from a serious genetic disorder with an uncertain future. ECI helped us make arrangements to raise her at home. They were the first people who didn't force us to do anything, they listened to us and were "JUST" there WITH US. Stellinka's state of health is still as if on a swing. Whenever we need it, ECI is here for us - in moments of joy from progress and in difficult times on the border of life and death. We can't imagine it without their support," says the mother of the six-year-old Stelinka

Stelinka's story is proof of how important ECI is. How moms and dads need someone to turn to when life throws them a more complicated fate.

Donate today and ensure Early Childhood Intervention for another family for the whole year.

Rewrite their story towards hope. 🙏

🌟 And we have a gift for generous donors: 🌟
Have you donated at least 500 CZK to the collection and would you like a small gift that will remind you of your good deed?
Write to info@ranapece.cz about an eraser pen with the Rewrite a story logo, with which you too can write and change your stories. Don't forget to write us your full address 😉


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Odesílám vám všechno láskyplné a síly. Přeji mnoho trpělivosti, vzájemné podpory a společných chvilek radosti.

Jitka Spoustová

Moc děkujeme za krásné přání i za Vaši podporu!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Ahoj Stellinko, to mas ode mne. Jmenuji se Krystof Enzo a je 2.5 roku. Vim jake to je, byt odlisny od zdravych deti. Rodice Te maji moc radi, tak jako mne. Bud stastna a hodne se usmivej. To pomaha. Vesele Vanoce. Krystufek

CZK 1,000

Děkujeme za krásný vzkaz i podporu pro Stellinku i pro dalších 900 dětí, ke kterým každý rok dojíždíme. A Tobě, Kryštůfku i celé Tvé rodině posíláme co nejvíc úsměvů a malých i velkých radostí každý den! A krásné Vánoce!!!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Přepiš příběh - nebuď srab. Ať vaše péče slouží k výchově perfektních dětí, žádných "srabů".

Dagmar Urbancová
CZK 1,000

Moc děkujeme za podporu, letos tedy ne tak otužovací. A i díky Vám pomůžeme dětem i jejich rodičům překonat rozličné překážky, které jim život nadělil! Díky!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Ať stále máte někoho, kdo bude s Vámi!

Lucyna Bystroń
CZK 500

Moc děkujeme za Vaše krásné přání i za podporu a přejeme Vám krásný zbytek adventu a radostné Vánoce! Moc díky!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Velmi držíme palce všem rodičům a dětičkám :)

Renáta Adamová
CZK 500

Moc děkujeme!!!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Přeji hodně síly Stellince a celé rodině. Pokud možno krásné Vánoce.

Jaroslav Mach
CZK 5,000

Děkujeme! I Vám krásné Vánoce!

Společnost pro ranou péči

S brněnskou pobočkou Společnosti pro ranou péči máme osobní zkušenost. Po narození zrakově postižené dcery nám velmi pomohla a dnes jsme rádi, že můžeme pomoci zase my.

Filip Tesař

Díky za Vaši reakci i za podporu a přejeme Vám pokojný advent!

Společnost pro ranou péči

Každý má sny a není nic hezčího než někomu pomoci blíž ke splnění, ještě pokud jde o zdraví dětí!

Jan Neuwirth

Děkujeme moc za podporu!

Společnost pro ranou péči