Nadační fond Nadace Bátor Tábor Česká republika

People with disabilities Health

Tým odvahy (Team of Courage)

The Team of courage has been helping by sports activities since 2014. We combine the brave running challenges of our supporters with helping children with serious illnesses. Are you planning to take on a sporting challenge this year and want to invite your friends to support you and contribute to a good cause at the same time? Or you would like to support our courageous athletes and donate any amount to Spolu s odvahou Foundation (part of the Bátor Tábor family)!

we started on 2015-03-09

Our courageous runners already raised


supported by

614 people
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The mission of the Spolu s odvahou Foundation (part of Bátor Tábor family) is to serve seriously ill children and their families. We meet them in hospitals, we help them return to life through therapy camps, and we hold their hands when they are returning to school. The aim of our programs is to alleviate the mental burden associated with a serious illness.
All our programs are free and are designed to develop the skills needed to succeed in life.

Spolu s odvahou Foundation (in Hungary and Poland: Bátor Tábor Foundation) operates in four countries and is the only camp of its kind in Central Europe. Bátor Tábor is also part of the international organization Serious Fun Children’s Network - a worldwide association of camps for seriously ill children, founded in 1988 by the actor Paul Newman.

Runners of Tým odvahy in previous years:


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Držím palce :-)


Jestli chceš něco vyhrát, běž 100 metrů. Jestli chceš něco zažít, běž maraton.

Aleš Váša
CZK 500

Vše pro děti!

Tereza Zelenkova
CZK 500

Společně to dáme!

Mariana Wohlfahrtová
CZK 300

Michalko díky, že pomáháš

Lenka Jurková
CZK 250

Kupředu, cíl už máme v dohledu

Vít Jurka
CZK 500

kdo umí, běží,
kdo neumí, platí... :)
#respect #makej

Tomino I.

Podpořil jsem kámošku a dobrou věc ✌️

Josef Karásek
CZK 100

Děkuji že to za nás uběhneš. :)

zuzana šenkýřova
CZK 150

#goburtogo ❤❤❤

CZK 300