Socially Disadvantaged Groups

NADĚJE (The HOPE) for people in need

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We bring support to people in seemingly hopeless situations and in need, real interest and understanding, a professional approach and years of experience of our staff. 
We provide social, health, humanitarian, charitable, counselling, educational and spiritual services. We operate in 28 cities in the Czech Republic.

Our help is addressed to six groups of people - homeless people, vulnerable families, people in old age, people with disabilities, vulnerable children and youth and people in debt traps.

  • Homeless people
We welcome anyone who is homeless and comes to us for help. We provide food adn material aid, hygiene, laundry, temporary accommodation and social counselling. We run GP support, dentist, gynaecologist and psychologist surgeries. Our outreach workers also work with clients directly in the environment where they survive.

  • People in old age
We care for those who can no longer do without the help of others, people with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. We help directly in their homes, run day centres and retirement homes.

  • Vulnerable families
We help families affected by or at risk of social exclusion. We provide accommodation and specialist help with debt, unemployment and housing issues.

  • People with disabilities
We strive for the all-round development of the personality of people with disabilities, mental and combined disabilities, for their full life, maximum possible integration into society and self-sufficiency.

  • Vulnerable children and youth
We provide services to children and young people who need mental health support. We also support children in excluded localities. We help children and young people who have a life associated with the streets, or are living in an at-risk way, or are already being seen to be exhibiting socially pathological behaviour. 

  • People in debt traps
We help people who are unable to solve long-term financial problems on their own. We provide expert advice on debt, personal bankruptcy, foreclosures and help with the overall orientation of their own financial obligations.

Please support those who need it.

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Za tento příspěvěk patří dík člověku, se kterým se osobně neznám, a který mi nezištně velice pomohl - díky, Enquiring Mind ;)

Jan Benda