Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové

People with disabilities

Pathways towards Integration

Please help children and adults with disabilities to integrate into society.

Pathways towards Integration

Please help children and adults with disabilities to integrate into society.
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz
We help children and adults with disabilities to integrate into society. Please contribute to the collection and help them live a full life.

  • Please contribute to the purchase of wheelchairs, hearing aids, compensatory and other medical aids for people with disabilities.
  • Necessary medical aids are not fully covered by health insurance companies. Therefore, they are financially unavailable for many people who have been facing physical and psychological harm already.
  • When we help people with disabilities buy necessary medical aids which enable them to attend school, to get back to work, to communicate with families and friends, we improve the quality of their lives significantly.

Thank you for your help and good will! Would you like to know how your donations help? You can look at the stories of people we have supported at the OHF webpage (in Czech).

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Prosím Vás,
Rád bych se stal členem Vaší nadace.
Prosím, kontaktujte mne a informuje o možnosti a podmínkách.
Děkuji Vám.
MgA. Jiří Bína
(onkol.pacient a stomik)
Člen Ligy proti rakovině, ILCO.cz
e-mail: atelier.b@seznam.cz
tel: 604 922 747

Jiří Bína
CZK 100

S přáním všeho dobrého.

CZK 10,000

Přeji Vám hodně štěstí

Jaroslav Taneček

Nech sú všetky bytosti šťastné.

Gabriela Šustová

Ráda bych tuto částku darovala na pomoc dětem s dětskou mozkovou obrnou.

Vendula Kristine Brokešová
CZK 1,370

Ať jde vše tak, jak má!

David Grossmann