Klub nemocných cystickou fibrózou, z.s.



Innovating treatment of cystic fibrosis patients. We help them to improve quality and prolong their life via gamification and smart solutions. Help us to finish a smartphone app with international potential that will BOOST MOTIVATION & ADHERANCE of teenage patients to demanding therapy and medication.

we started on 2017-04-21

CF Hero

Innovating treatment of cystic fibrosis patients. We help them to improve quality and prolong their life via gamification and smart solutions. Help us to finish a smartphone app with international potential that will BOOST MOTIVATION & ADHERANCE of teenage patients to demanding therapy and medication.

supported by

651 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

CF Hero: Coach & Friend on a smartphone

With you HELP, we will create a smartphone which will improve patients' chances for happier and longer life via gamification and playful design.
  • strengthening inner motivation and therapy adherance
  • simplification of combing the therapy with day-to-day activities
  • provision of important information at he right time and form
  • collects valuable data for healthcare practitioners for treatment optimization
  • connecting young patients for best practice sharing
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Na základě výzvy Nadace Vodafone se v tuto chvíli podařilo vybrat 874 467! Děkujeme!

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Velmi dobrý nápad a ještě lepší provedení! Jen tak dál!!!

Marek Liška
CZK 500

Za to co si zasloužíme všichni a to dýchat.

Kateřina Benc
CZK 1,000

Snaha pomoci vsem nemocnym je obdivuhodna, drzte se!

Ondřej Vichr
CZK 200

Pro Kristy :)

CZK 200

Bojovat, znamená žít.

Miroslav Vaculík
CZK 500

Nechť i tato malá částka pomůže dobré věci....

Petra Lázníčková
CZK 100

Dar Kocman fashion

Josef Kocman
CZK 1,000

Pro Kristýnu Doubravovou :)

David Kucharčík
CZK 50

Hodně zdaru!

CZK 1,000

I am CF Hero

CZK 99