What for you is crappy, can make someone happy!
This old proverb is something what we take really serious in Save the Food.
We teach people how not to waste natural resources, inspire them and teach them how to live and eat otherwise. There is already quite a few of savers’ recipes on our website; they advise what to do with carrot tops, overload of seasonal courgettes or leftover potato mash.
Thanks to short, swift and pretty videos we’ll show you ideas of easy, quick and nutritious recipes from the food that looks a little tired or that is usually not used in Czech cuisine. Thanks to your help, everyone can become a saver in one single minute. With each piece of wasted raw material, a whole bunch of natural resources and human work falls to the trash can as well.
If you support the campaign, you help us address and inspire more people, and you contribute to the reduction of food waste in households - it makes up to 40 % of the total amount of waste.
Let’s make it worth it, let’s create something worth watching and being inspired!