Children who have experienced domestic violence do not have the same childhood as other children. They experience fear for health and their life and the lives of their loved ones. They often feel responsible for the violence between their parents, and their wishes, and dreams have little to do with the childhood world. And as they grow, they often take on the same ways of behavior and communication as they have seen at home. They cannot change the family situations themselves, they need sensitive and long-term help. That is why the LOCIKA Center was established.
We appreciate your support that will enable us to help more children experience normal CHILDHOOD WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
The LOCIKA Centre is the first specialised centre for children experiencing domestic violence in the Czech Republic. In addition to helping children directly, we also strive to make the Czech Republic a place where all children have the right to a childhood free from violence. We want abuse, neglect, exploitation or other forms of violence, including any form of corporal punishment, to cease to be tolerated. That is why the Violence-Free Childhood Initiative was created, bringing together a community of people who care about the fate of children.
Thank you for your donations 💚
We appreciate your support that will enable us to help more children experience normal CHILDHOOD WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
The LOCIKA Centre is the first specialised centre for children experiencing domestic violence in the Czech Republic. In addition to helping children directly, we also strive to make the Czech Republic a place where all children have the right to a childhood free from violence. We want abuse, neglect, exploitation or other forms of violence, including any form of corporal punishment, to cease to be tolerated. That is why the Violence-Free Childhood Initiative was created, bringing together a community of people who care about the fate of children.
Thank you for your donations 💚
Veronika Samková
Mobil: +420 728 328 452
Mobil: +420 728 328 452
Už jen více spokojených dětí.
Přeji Vám krásný advent :o)
Dekujeme za možnost pomoci.
Dobrý den, Heleno,
my moc děkujeme za Vaše dary. Na dětství bez násilí pro další děti bychom bez Vaší pomoci nedosáhli.
Děkujeme, že jste s námi.
Krásný den,
Centrum Locika je ochráncem hodnot jako jsou bezpečí a respekt. Léčivě působí na naši společnost a spoluvytváří šance na lepší svět pro děti a jejich blízké. Děkuji a přeji nadále odvahu k výjimečnosti :)
Veselé Vánoce.