Did you enjoy our activities? Did you have a good time at the festival? Support us in our efforts to open the city to everyone and provide the opportunity not only for yourself but also for people with visual or hearing impairments, seniors, or families with children to explore their city. One of the rules of the international license for organizing the festival in Prague is free entry to open buildings.
Your donations will provide essential support not only for the preparation of the festival but also for other interesting tours and events throughout the year, including those for our fantastic volunteers. You can send an individual donation of any amount or join regular supporters in the Architecture Lovers Club.
Become a Member of the Architecture Lovers Club
Help us make architectural wealth accessible through building tours, discussions, lectures, and communal gatherings! Only through interest in the city and its architecture can we collectively create a welcoming environment for living.
Your membership in the Architecture Lovers Club allows us to:
- Provide a diverse program of activities for the festival.
- Work towards opening more buildings for you and engaging in more discussions with their owners.
- Enhance the website and ensure better accessibility.
- Develop a mobile application to improve your navigation during the festival.
- Organize training sessions for hundreds of volunteers.
- Create materials, texts, translations, and resources for both you and the volunteers.
- Host debates, lectures, and discussions with experts.
- Prepare "Sheets for Little Architects" for children.
- Produce 3D models and tactile plans for visitors with visual impairments.
- Enable simultaneous transcription and translation of guided tours into Czech Sign Language.
- Exclusive event for 1 person twice a year
- Free digital version of the printed Festival Guide
- Exclusive event for 2 people twice a year
- Priority entry to one of the festival highlights during the Open House Prague weekend for 2 people
- Free printed version of the Festival Guide (available for pickup at the information center)
- Other benefits
Tak příští rok zas!
Děkuji za Vaše krásné snažení, které nám umožňuje prohlubovat poznávání krás a hodnot našeho města a i upevňovat vztah k němu.
Považuji váš projekt za úžasný. Lituji jen, že mi zdraví nedovolí zůčastnit se oba dva víkendové dny prohlídek. Přeji vám, at se vám daří i nadále. Zsdraví Winklerová
Absolvují s vámi již 5 ročník a už se moc těším na příští rok, vám všem velký dík za kulturní obohacení. Dasa
dát si o 2 piva :) měsíčně míň za tuto perfektní akci se vyplatí .. do naprosté většiny budov by se zájemce jinak nikdy nedostal ..
Libeň dobrá, děkujeme
Super,moc se nam tp libi!
Děkuji za skvělou práci a příležitost navštívit zajímavé budovy a prostory.
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻