Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups


To contribute and help a concrete pupil to get a school alimentation, simply choose an amount to the transparent bank account of the project W4W: Lunches for Children / Obědy pro děti. All donations are in 100 % used for the purpose of the project, i.e. funding lunches for children. To give you an idea, one school lunch costs about CZK 35. The cost of one month of school lunches for one pupil is around CZK 600-800, which means up to CZK 8 000 for the whole school year. We support children on the basis of special partnerships with the schools.

we started on 2018-04-11

Help children to afford school lunches in school canteens


supported by

1463 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
LUNCHES FOR KIDS / OBĚDY PRO DĚTI goal is to help children who, due to their parents’ situation, cannot afford to pay for their lunches in school canteens. We support children whose situation is long-term, have no prospect of improvement, and for whom a lunch in a school canteen is often the only regular warm meal, in spite of their parents’ effort to improve their situation. 

We work in partnership with elementary schools, and sometimes canteens, which are independent semi-budgetary organisations. On principle, we never provide direct financial support to the children’s families. 

Assistance is administered through elementary schools on a donation agreement basis so that lunches reach the children in need without complicating their parents’ situation, and the assistance cannot be abused. 


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Dobrý den, prosím, zamyslete se jestli zrovna Simona Krajnová je vhodným ambasadorem projektu. Děkuji a přeji hodně úspěchů ve vaší krásné práci.
G. Koukalová

Gabriela Koukalová
CZK 100

Dobrou chut💋

Marketa Dolezelova
CZK 500

Sice je to kapka v moři, ale každý dar se počítá :)

Václav Mikauš
CZK 50

Co nejméně starostí, ať je víc radosti a úsměvů na tváři.

Věra Tomanová
CZK 700

Ať dětem chutná !!!

Miroslav Šmýd
CZK 3,000

Držím palce a ať se Vám schází co nejvíce příspěvků.

Václav Dolínek
CZK 500


Jaroslav Hradil
CZK 1,000

Jako matka samozivitelka více než kdo jiný rozumím tomu, jaké to je, když dojdou peníze a děti mají hlad. Dobrou chuť 😄

Alice Čechová
CZK 500

je potřeba pomáhat ... mějte se hezky

Vladimír Görner
CZK 6,000

Přeji hodně štěstí do života všem dětem.

Marta Kovaříková