LUNCHES FOR KIDS / OBĚDY PRO DĚTI goal is to help children who, due to their parents’ situation, cannot afford to pay for their lunches in school canteens. We support children whose situation is long-term, have no prospect of improvement, and for whom a lunch in a school canteen is often the only regular warm meal, in spite of their parents’ effort to improve their situation.
We work in partnership with elementary schools, and sometimes canteens, which are independent semi-budgetary organisations. On principle, we never provide direct financial support to the children’s families.
Assistance is administered through elementary schools on a donation agreement basis so that lunches reach the children in need without complicating their parents’ situation, and the assistance cannot be abused.
We work in partnership with elementary schools, and sometimes canteens, which are independent semi-budgetary organisations. On principle, we never provide direct financial support to the children’s families.
Assistance is administered through elementary schools on a donation agreement basis so that lunches reach the children in need without complicating their parents’ situation, and the assistance cannot be abused.
Přeji dětem dobrou chuť
At chutná :-)
Dobrou chuť
Pro někoho samozřejmost, pro někoho bohužel ne.. kéž by všechny děti měli tu možnost.
Jste skvělí za to, co děláte.
Neurčuji, pro které děti to má být. Viděla jsem v televizi reportáž, že ukrajinské děti
jsou placeny "všelijak" a tak jsem se rozhodla, že obnovím placení obědů skrze Vaši
organizaci, kam jsem v minulosti už přispívala. Přeji Vám pěkný den a hodně úspěšných
Děkuji všem z Women for women za Vaši záslužnou činnost, rád tímto přispěji dětem z UA na obědy.
Dobrou chuť děti 🙂
Kapka z tisíce...
Dobrou chut