Droughts and hurricanes, floods and wildfires, melting glaciers, rising seas, vanishing animal species. Our planet is warming at a dangerous pace and the extreme weather we are experiencing is already deepening social injustices, adding to the sources of poverty and war and forcing people to flee from their homes the world over.
We know the root cause: emissions from the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels. If irreversible damage is to be avoided, most of coal, oil and gas must stay in the ground.
This is also true in the Czech Republic, which could easily rid itself of its‘s oldest coal power plants, damaging to thousands of peoples health, and stop the expansion of open cast mining, that are devastating its landscape for decades.
But just as in other countries, politicians are instead giving in to the coal industry, that is profiting from this dirty business. We are therefore building a grassroots climate justice movement, that will be able to push the end of the coal era through by itself. We are raise awarenes, build power, stage non-violent protests and support both campaigns to shut down old power stations and local initiatives.
Last year, we have organised the first "Klimakemp" in Czech Republic, that has brought together anti-coal activists from the whole of central Europe, from big green NGOs to social movements and local initiatives. Five days of education, skillsharing and independent culture have culminated in a weekend of bold non-violent action, that has brought the issue of climate change and alternatives to dirty energy to the forefront of public debate, and delivered a decisive message: that until the last mine and the last coal power plant is shut down we will not stop.
Support this years Climate Camp. And join us from 27th june to 1st july. It‘s up to us.
Bohužel stejně jako loni se nemůžu účastnit, tak snad aspoň příspěvek pomůže, abyste si to mohli udělat hezký. Děkuju za to, co děláte!
Když už nemohu dorazit, tak alespoň posílám příspěvek...
Příspěvek, aby bylo možné debatovat o tom, co doopravdy hýbe současným světem i námi samotnými.
Díky za Váš čas a všechnu tu práci! Těším se na Vás příští týden. :)
Dear all, have safe actions - I am looking forward to seeing you in the news. The end of the fossile era is near ....
Osobně nemohu dorazit, tak alespoň malá podpora čistší budoucnosti...
držím palce!
Úžasná akce, držím palce!
Ať se daří!
díky za to co děláte!