Nadace Pro půdu

Regional and Community Development Environment

Access to Land for Small Organic Farmers

We envision a pleasant landscape and healthy soil that is a result of the care of local farmers who farm sustainably and organically.

we started on 2019-04-17
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Let’s imagine that, instead of vast fields of colza and corn, the landscape where we live is composed of smaller fields divided by balks... We know the person who farms the land and the food he produced is waiting for us at home for supper. When we look closer, the soil is dark, full of earthworms and smells well. There is no water standing in the fields, the soil is not cracked by sun, we don’t see clouds of dust nor is the soil sprayed by toxic chemical substances. It is simply a beautiful, healthy and pleasant landscape that is a result of the care of local farmers who farm sustainably and organically.   

It is not always easy for organic farmers to access land suitable for farming. In the Foundation For Soil we try to support them by buying the land and renting it to them under stable and long term conditions that result from mutual agreement between the Foundation and the farmer. The Foundation land is entrusted only to sustainable organic farmers and that is how we protect the soil from degradation. 

Support the acquisition of new hectares of land for organic farmers and together with us contribute to a healthy, alive and fertile agricultural soil and thus to a healthier landscape.  


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Moje maminka si jako dárek ke svým padesátým narozeninám vybrala Váš projekt. Ať se Vám daří.
Strakovy M & I


Děkuji, jen více půdy smysluplně využité

Petr Pinkas
CZK 20,000

Vánoční dárek pro půdu a zdraví všech.

Jaromíra Radiová
CZK 10,000

Zdraví tým Nevyskúšaš, nevieš z Vánočního Tápání :)

Nevyskúšaš, nevieš
CZK 2,500

Ať se půdě, úrodě i zemědělcům daří!

Lucie Kalábová Benešová
CZK 300

Ať je v půdě živo! :-)

Lucie Balcárková
CZK 1,000

Moc vám fandím!

Kamila Šrolerová
CZK 300

Pro zdravou půdu...

Marek Rais

Ať se stromům na nadační půdě dobře daří.

Marek Rais
CZK 1,000

Pro dobrou věc.

Ivana Hermanová