Thanks to joint energy and activtity we´ve collected money for the start of the canteen and first months of operation of it. At the moment the kitchen, elementary food-stuff, water, gas, energies have been arranged and the canteen is going to be open during August. It should help primarily to women, kids, old and sick people, who have lost everything, who live in permanent fear, whose families or friends are gone. They do not have anything nor anybody to rely on.
However one meal per day is a kind of hope. And this is what we, together with you, can give to them. I costs:
However one meal per day is a kind of hope. And this is what we, together with you, can give to them. I costs:
- CZK 16 per 1 person and a day
- CZK 481 per 1 person and a month
- CZK 2800 per family (6 people) and a month
Please, help as much as you can. Your help if worths of hope, your help is worths of life. Thank you!
Za březnové běhání
great job guys
happy to contribute
Moc Vám děkuji za práci a pomoc, kterou v tak nelehké době vykonáváte. Alespoň takto i já můžu minimalně pomoci.
All the best with your humanitarian efforts in Yemen!
Hodně štěstí a sil. Děkuji, že pomáháte.
Neumím dražit, tak posílám na účet
Našla jsem vás díky Pavle z Korfu. Přeji vašim dětem mír v jejich zemi , v duších klid a na tváři úsměv . A velké díky za to, co děláte pro druhé . Iva
Hodne stesti!
Pro hladovějící v Jemenu..