We have a challenge for you. Are you with us?
We want to support planting of 10 million trees. Every tree counts. Support those who plant trees and donate future to your friends and loved ones. Thanks to your donation, we will be able to help volunteers plant trees in a suitable place.
More than 80,000 people have already joined the planting. Be part of the transformation of the Czech landscape and cities and join us too! You can find more information about the project here.
Help plant trees with your donation of any amount. We will distribute it to communities of people who will turn them into trees for the landscape. Donate for resilient cities and healthy landscapes or purchase one of our Tree Gift Certificates.
Your donations are an investment in the future.
Where is your help going?
A tree is not just the cost of a seedling. You always know what your gifts are going towards. This is guaranteed by the Partnership Foundation, the coordinat or of the initiative.
A tree is not just the cost of a seedling. You always know what your gifts are going towards. This is guaranteed by the Partnership Foundation, the coordinat or of the initiative.
Hurá, stromy do krajiny!
Rad bych timto prispel na vznikajici Alej Svobody ve Vestci u Prahy.
Kdyby alespoň milion občanů přispělo částkou 200 Kč, už se dá pro životní prostředí a naší civilizaci něco dělat navíc. Pomůžeme tak i z pozice občana vysázet stromy a tím eliminovat oxid uhličitý i jiné škodliviny v atmosféře, jež jsou průkazně toxické pro veškeré živé organizmy na naší planetě.