Buy a voucher and give children from children´s homes time with the Good Fairies. Good Fairies makes magic in children's homes regularly every week. They teach, motivate, inspire and simply spend the time with kids.
You can choose from several different options and donate to a specific activity.
Thank you for believing in us!
Your Good Fairies.
Choose a specific voucher, pay the amount and write to us in the note whether you want to send the voucher in pdf. or by email.
Thank you!
Děkuji za Váš krásný projekt a za pomoc dětem v dětských domovech formou, kterou to děláte. Ne jen poslat plysaky, ale opravdove lidi se zájmem o jednotlivé dětské osudy.
Nejsem víla, ale ráda jim pomohu :)