Your donations will allow us to continue in our systematic work to analyze developments in the PRC, its engagement with the world and present these findings to the Czech and international public. We will use the money for the procurement of relevant literature, equipment, and to commission translations and expert reports. Your contributions will also help us to attend public events and to organize our own events and educational activities.
David Ha was a keynote speaker at the ALIFE 2021 conference on artificial life in Prague and he decided to donate his honorarium to Charles University's Faculty of Arts which runs a project org called Sinopsis, which he visited and enjoyed in 2019.
Vážím si vaší práce, obdivuji vaši erudici, přímost a snahu o nestrannost a objektivitu.
Milan Benes
Dobrý den,
moc si vážím Vaší činnosti. POkračujte v ní dále, má to smysl.
S pozdravem
Pokračujte v činnosti. Ať se daří.
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing. You deserve much more than what I can give you. The best way to fight oppression is with transparency.
Děkuji za práci, kterou děláte!
Váš hlas má váhu, vydržte, díky.
Děkuji za objektivní pohled na situaci v Asii.