The new online campaign THANKS TO YOU makes it possible for people to support dozens of Romani high school and college students who have good grades in pursuing the studies of their dreams, students who have no choice but to grapple with social exclusion and difficult financial situations.
We are grateful for each new regular donor who will support these students in the long term, even if it is by contributing just a smaller amount of money. We can better aid those who need us in a more sustainable way through regular support.
Thanks to you we are supporting 60 Romani high school students per year
We are grateful for each new regular donor who will support these students in the long term, even if it is by contributing just a smaller amount of money. We can better aid those who need us in a more sustainable way through regular support.
Thanks to you we are supporting 60 Romani high school students per year
Thanks to you we are aiding Romani students who cannot afford to study because of their unfavorable social situations.
Thanks to you we are adding more and more regular donors, giving us the hope that comprehensive scholarship support for high-performing Romani students from low-income families will continue long-term.
If you have not yet given to the Romani Scholarship Program, you can still do so now.
The more small contributors we involve, the more sustainable this program becomes.
The more small contributors we involve, the more sustainable this program becomes.
This is all exactly thanks to you.
By the beginning of the new school year we need to raise CZK 500 000 [EUR 18 400].
We thank you.
More information about the Scholarship program are here:
Důležitý a skvěle promyšlený program. Už dlouho hledám způsob, jak podpořit romskou komunitu a Váš program mě nadchnul. Díky a držím Vám i všem studentům palce.
Držím palce studentům!!! Nemají to teď jednoduché...
Education. Education. Education.
Ať se daří!
Jitka dostane v ringu na prdel
Vzdělání je základ.
Hodne stesti
Člověk nemůže měnit ostatní, může měnit jen sám sebe a vzdělání je k tomu nejlepší cesta. Snad i tato nevelká částka pomůže, když dárců bude víc.
Situace neni idealni-plno z nas ztratilo a ztrati práci , ale vzdělání je největší investice...Doufam,že se najde vice darců