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Exteriér sedlecké katedrály

The Ossuary in Sedlec – a site unique in the world – has been undergoing a complex renovation since 2014. If we had not started the renovation, this remarkable building would be in danger of a complete collapse. Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of tourists who visit the Ossuary every year, to date we have been able to repair the roof, the terraces, and part of the decorations in the interior of the lower chapel. We have also dismantled first of the four monumental pyramids. However, as the number of tourists has gone down lately, it may not be possible for us to continue with the renovation. There may not be enough funding because this costly renovation is paid for exclusively by money from tourism. With your help, we will be able to continue with the renovation and then invite you to see the new interior and exposition. For donors who will support us more than 2000 CZK, we have a signed graphic sheet of the ossuary interior and the cathedral exterior from the graphic of the Sedlec parish Mr. František Štorm. Together, we will do it. Thank you very much!
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