We believe that local volunteers are going to be more important this year than ever before. Therefore, we are going to organise as many Czech workcamps as possible and in case of necessity, we are ready to increase their amount.
However, to make it happen, we must overcome a hole of missing income from registration fees of foreign workcamps. This we cannot make without you. Annually, about 450 volunteers travel to international workcamp with us. If travelling abroad will be limited throughout the summer, we estimate our loss at almost CZK 1,000,000. These funds are used for paying for the office management, salaries of employees, training courses for volunteers, the website and the database, as well as for the fees of membership in international networks.
This is why we would like to ask you for the support by a financial contribution. We believe that with your help we can overcome this difficult period and we will be able to send our volunteers to the distant world again.
Thank you 💙
Lenka Kadeřábková, INEX directress
Lenka Kadeřábková, INEX directress
How your contribution will help:
- 300 CZK covers one-tenth of the cost of logistical preparation at training for workcamps´ leaders
- 500 CZK covers one-tenth of the cost of individual preparation for a new local partner (local community, a non-profit organization, mayors)
- 1000 CZK covers one-tenth of the cost of preparation of one Czech workcamp
Workcampy pro me byly nezapomenutelnym a obohacujicim zazitkem. At se dari!
Ať se daří a pořád děláte to co děláte! 🙏 :)
Děkuji moc za skvělou práci sdružení INEX a držím palce!
Hodně zdaru!
Drzim palce! Anna
Uz je to skoro 20 let co jsem poprve vyrazila s INEXem do ciziny. Celkem jsem byla asi na peti kratkych programech a jedom 3mesicnim dobrovolniceni v Keni. Nikdy nezapomenu na ty jedinecne zazitky a zkusenosti, ktere jsem na workcampech nasbirala. Ted ziju uz 10 let v USA a doted jsem v kontajtu s moji hostovskou organizaci v Keni. INEX mi taky dal pratelstvi na cely zivot. Takze diky, and good luck!
Přeji aby se podařilo pokračovat ve vaši dobré práci.
A za rok ať se vydaří aspoň 1000 lidí na workcampech :)
Milí přátelé v Inexu, jsou to nelehké časy, držím pěsti, ať to zvládnete. Držte se!
Bez dobrovolnictví ani ránu!