Nina was the most wonderful person in the world. She did good every day, listened to everyone, helped, supported, and tried to find only the best in each person she met. She will continue to inspire the people around her and help make the world a better place. Step by Step. Person by Person. Sadly, her life was taken on Friday, November 6th 2020 in Prague, and we lost forever her kindness and immense compassion. Nina’s family have therefore decided to start a collection in her name with our support, so that she can continue to help others. Her life dream was to build a retirement home with a kindergarten, and we will do everything we can to make this dream come true. Your help is needed to achieve her dream. All donations here will be passed on to a Foundation in Nina’s name.
Bohužel se nám nepoštěstilo Ninu poznat, ale věříme, že její srdce bylo na pravém místě a rádi tak podpoříme tento projekt, který tak zanechá významný odkaz. Upřímnou soustrast celé rodině.
Poznal jsem ji jenom letmo. Ale dost na to aby mě to zasáhlo.
Thinking of you all, let’s build Nina’s dream out as her legacy
We love and appreciate you so much. May all of these funds bring light, love and redemptions to so many people. Blessings!
Henri Moreau
Building blocks are like friends, together they can accomplish great things. Hoping for Ninas dream to become reality.
Diane Thomson UWP 87A
Milá rodino Niny, touto cestou Vám vyjadřuji upřímnou soustrast a zároveň Vám držím palce při uskutečňování Ninina snu. Jana Janáková Jetlebová, Ninina učitelka v 1. a 2. třídě
I hope your dream will come true. Rest in peace.
Ať se povede sen uskutečnit🍀
Moc držím palce ! Mám dcery v podobném věku jako byla Nina.