Rotary Club Prague International

Humanitarian Aid Elderly

Let´s build Nina Hustedova´s retirement home – Let´s fulfill her dream!

Nina was the most wonderful person in the world. She did good every day, listened to everyone, helped, supported, and tried to find only the best in each person she met. She will continue to inspire the people around her and help make the world a better place. Step by Step. Person by Person. Sadly, her life was taken on Friday, November 6th 2020 in Prague, and we lost forever her kindness and immense compassion. Nina’s family have therefore decided to start a collection in her name with our support, so that she can continue to help others. Her life dream was to build a retirement home with a kindergarten, and we will do everything we can to make this dream come true. Your help is needed to achieve her dream. All donations here will be passed on to a Foundation in Nina’s name.

we started on 2020-11-12

supported by

5397 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The Husted family would like to fulfill Nina's dream, which they think best describes what great a person she was. When the grandmother of Nina died in Denmark, she and her sister Anna worked over the summer helping in the local retirement home. Nina was very impressed by the kindness, care, love, and opportunity for the elderly to have a decent life in the facility and wanted to build a retirement home that would operate on a similar principle in their home country of Czech Republic. Unfortunately, Nina left us forever, so this dream cannot be fulfilled with her. But it can be fulfilled for her.
Nina's family together with closest friends would like to build such a family retirement home, bearing her name, where everyone will find understanding and love, where there will always be things to do and where everyone will find their place and dignity. If this project succeeds, the home would be shared with a kindergarten so that different generations can meet each other regularly. This would make Nina's dream come true. This dream describes in the best way what Nina was like. It is a dream that the family want to spread as much as possible among as many people as possible.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

On the 12th November, Rotary launched an appeal to collect funds on behalf of the foundation being set up by the Husted family for the purpose of fulfilling the dreams of Nina Husted who lost her life in tragic circumstances on the 6th November. On the first day of the campaign launch a large donation of CZK 10m was pledged by an individual on this page. The person making the pledge confirmed thereafter to the team that the pledged donation would be made by a bank transfer through Unfortunately to date the pledged donation has not been received and on 24.11.2020 have had this amount removed from the cumulative total of funds received to date. We are of course disappointed that this donation did not materialise, we are nevertheless very pleased with the results of this campaign which have raised over CZK 4m to date.
The Husted family are presently in the process of establishing the foundation fund (nadační fond) and forming the concept of the project, together with external advisors and experts. You can follow the development of the project via their Facebook page ´Ninin sen´ through the following link:

Create project

Myslím, že je to naprosto geniální a konstruktivní způsob, jak se vyrovnat s tak nesmyslnou ztrátou milované osoby. Máte před sebou hodně práce, ale díky ní bude vaše Nina stále s vámi. Přeměna způsobu péče o seniory konkrétním projektem je velká hodnota. Držím vám palce a děkuji.

Hana Čečerlová

Díky za tuto možnost Vás alespoň takto podpořit, držte se!

Táňa Mančíková
CZK 1,000

Na paletu cihel pro Ninu. Věříme v realizaci. Čihákovi

Marek Čihák

Ráda přispěji i organizačními schopnostmi, dlouholetými zkušenostmi asistentky a 7letou praxí účetnictví. Kde by se měl Domov nacházet?

Anna Žáková



Ač si to Nina možná ani neuvědomovala, byla velice důležitou součástí života mého i životů všech, kteří měli tu nezměrnou čest a štěstí ji poznat. Vždy jsem obdivoval její odhodlání pomáhat druhým a věřil jsem, že dělá tento svět lepším místem tak, jako nikdo jiný. Díky tomuto projektu bude moci Nina dělat tento svět lepší i nadále a já i moje rodina jsme vděčni, že můžeme pomoci její odkaz zachovat.

Myslíme na Ninu i na vás, Hustedovi!

Viktor Miller

Za Ninu 😊

Lenka Šlapáková
CZK 300

Je mi to moc líto...
Jsem ráda, že aspoň takto mohu pomoct...

Michaela Čaňková
CZK 2,000

Ať se projekt podaří brzy zrealizovat a Nina tak bude žít dál ❤️

Daniel Kadlec
CZK 500

Ať se vše podaří, i přes ty negativní hlasy!

Petra Nespěchalová
CZK 3,000