The Hodonín Regional Charity and the Břeclav Regional Charity help directly in the villages affected by the tornado. At the moment, we are mapping needs and we are ensuring distribution of material. Our teams also provide psychological first aid. Donations to this collection will be used in the coming weeks for follow-up assistance to help people rebuild their homes and return to normal life. That is the most important thing. More information:
Přejeme hodně sil všem poškozeným.
Jsme s lidmi na Morave v nasich myslenkach. Prejeme jim mnoho sily a Boziho pozehnani k prekonani velmi obtizne zivotni situace. Markovi - Anglie
Daruje kapela SkAunk
Lidi dršte se!!!!
Jing Jang Universe
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Držte se, je mi to nesmírně líto.
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Přejeme hodně síly, myslíme na Vás. !!!