“People in Need has been working in the area affected by the devastating earthquake for many years, we already have experienced humanitarian teams on the ground and hundreds of colleagues ready to start helping immediately,” said Šimon Pánek, Director of People in Need, shortly after the earthquake. He particularly emphasized humanitarian aid, temporary shelter solutions, and subsequent reconstruction. According to reports from the media and from the ground at the time, the extent of the damage was enormous. The situation was also complicated by heavy rains that led to widespread flooding.
Today in Syria, specifically in the province of Idlib, our team operates in cooperation with local authorities to distribute hygiene kits, clothes, food and cash in the most affected areas. Two truckloads of essential items containing mattresses, sheets and blankets have also recently arrived from the Czech Republic.
In Türkiye, our team works to distribute blankets, food, diapers, clothes, and other essential goods to the most vulnerable.
All this work is made possible in large part thanks to the generous donations we’ve received via the SOS Earthquake Syria and Turkey.
God loves you :)
Myslím, že finance na následky zemětřesení v Turecku a Sýrii jsou stále třeba - tak aspoň drobný příspěvek pro organizaci ČvT (pro kterou jsem sám krátkodobě v r. 2006 pracoval v Indonésii).
Myslíme na Váš
hodně sil a vytrvalosti
Plastic Omnium Lipovka
Posilam par kc a modlitbu!
V našem klientském centru České spořitelny jsme uspořádali charitativní akci, abychom pomohli obětem zemětřesení v Turecku. Vybralo se krásných 13 450. Máme z toho obrovskou radost. "Spolu jsme silnější" Česká spořitelna. Ostravské klientské centrum má dobré srdce.
God bless you
Stay strong!
Buďme vděční za každý okamžik, kdy jsme se svými blízkými a je nám hezky. Berme život jako dar a pomáhejme si. Jsme jedno.