
ADRA, o.p.s.

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine

SOS ADRA: Help people in Ukraine

We are helping people affected by the war in Ukraine. We monitor current events and, in cooperation with ADRA Ukraine and other ADRA offices, we help meet the basic needs of displaced and evacuated people. Would you like to get involved? A financial donation is currently the most effective form of assistance, as the situation and the needs of affected citizens change every moment. Your donations are and will be used to directly help people affected by the conflict. Donations will be used for humanitarian assistance of the affected communities. Thank you for helping with us!

SOS ADRA: Help Ukraine

Your help is still needed. The end of the conflict in Ukraine is not in sight, and the number of people in need continues to grow. Thank you for your support.
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The war in Ukraine has been going on since February 2022 and we, ADRA Czech Republic, are helping with your support. You have already contributed more than CZK 250 million to the SOS ADRA Ukraine public collection to help the affected people. Thank you!

In the early days of the conflict, the funds raised went primarily to provide material aid at the border, where hundreds of thousands of people fled to safety. Later, we took humanitarian aid deeper into Ukrainian territory. Thanks to our close cooperation with ADRA Ukraine, we were able to respond to the changing humanitarian needs of the affected populations, so we soon began to help with the evacuation of people and the supply of so-called collective accommodation centres, where internally displaced people - people who had left their homes for safer parts of Ukraine - were directed.

We also helped after the Kachov Dam broke. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, we provided people with humanitarian aid in the form of drinking water, disinfectants and durable food. We have been active in the area for a long time and have focused on, among other things, the restoration of drinking water sources.

After the rocket attack on the Ochmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev, we provided drinking water to those affected, facilities for rescue work, as well as first psychological aid to children, their parents and hospital staff.

In winter, millions of people regularly find themselves without electricity, access to drinking water or the opportunity to heat their homes due to the destruction of infrastructure. We are therefore helping with home repairs (windows, doors, insulation, heating), providing households and orphanages with generators and direct-fired heaters.

We are currently helping residents in the Dnipropetrovsk region access clean water by replacing water towers, digging new boreholes and installing water purification systems. We are providing food parcels to people in collective centres, supporting mental health and legal protection for people who have found themselves in a difficult life situation because of the war.  

We offer psychological assistance, crisis support and counselling to those affected. Mobile teams go out to people in need and experts are also available online or on the crisis hotline. We provide transport for the elderly and people with disabilities so they can access basic social services and local infrastructure.   

Funds from the SOS ADRA Ukraine collection are also used to help refugees who have come to the Czech Republic in search of safety - for their integration, language courses, activities for children, help with employment and psychological support.


Since the beginning of the war, we have helped more than 624,000 people in Ukraine, and together with you we want to continue this help.


That is why we continue to work in Ukraine. 

  • We are helping to repair houses destroyed by war
  • providing people with access to drinking water
  • supporting collective centres that house internal refugees
  • rebuilding destroyed infrastructure in schools, orphanages and health facilities
  • during the winter months, generators and direct current heaters help people during power outages 
Follow our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for the latest news on aid.
Thank you for being there for others in 2025.


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Já děkuji vám, že pomáháte.

Petr M.
CZK 2,000

Držíme palce.

Lubomir Juriga


CZK 10,000

V září jsme byli postižení povodněmi, ale to je asi jen zlomek neštěstí, které je během války pro obyčejného člověka.
Dnes máme doma ještě pořád malé staveniště, ale už máme kam hlavu složit.
Kéž by bylo po válce a mohli totéž lidi na Ukrajině.❤️

Martin Jaroš

Ať Putina schvátí ohně pekelné !!!

Čestmír Tauer
CZK 1,000

Pomoci není nikdy dost

CZK 1,000

Díky, že pomáháte

Vladislav M
CZK 5,000

We shall never surrender

Jiří Nedbal
CZK 1,000


Štefan Cingel
CZK 500

Přeji všem zaměstnancům ADRA krásné a spokojené Vánoční svátky :-)

Pavlína Janošová
CZK 2,000