Rotary Club Prague International

Help for Ukraine

Disaster Aid Europe: Help for Ukraine!

Disaster Aid Europe (, a project of Rotary Club Prague International, is seeking donations so their branded trailer can carry needed items for Ukrainian refugees over the border to local Rotarians in Uzhorod for further distribution.

we started on 2022-02-28

supported by

28 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Disaster Aid Europe z.s, a project of Rotary Club Prague International, focuses on helping rebuild communities after disasters (​) and is a member of Disaster Aid International, a global Rotary initiative.
In this project, we assist local Rotarians in Ukraine to help and support Ukrainians fleeing from the conflict. 
The proceeds from our fundraising go towards supporting the Ukrainian refugees. We use our newly acquired and branded trailer to bring needed items to those in need. 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Good Luck Irena and Stewart for your help with the people of Ukraine
Sue Hancock

Susan Hancock

Děkuji za Vaši pomoc. Držte se!

Drahoslava Escotto
CZK 200