Nedoklubko, z.s.

Help for Ukraine Health


In cooperation with Czech neonatology medical staff and the Czech Center IN Kyiv, we are organizing a collection for the purchase of medical supplies for maternity hospitals in Ukraine. We know what they need and we have the opportunity to deliver special medical supplies to Ukraine.

we started on 2022-03-10


In cooperation with Czech neonatologists and thanks to the Czech Center Kyiv, we will procure and deliver special medical material that they urgently need not only for premature babies in Ukraine.
raised 55 % out of  €27,635

supported by

443 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Around 1,000 children are born in Ukraine every day, and about 100 of them will require some form of neonatal intensive care. Neonatologists in Kiev and other cities are now forced to work in makeshift conditions.
Premature and sick babies need special care that requires special medical supplies such as cannulas or endotracheal tubes, as well as much more. Currently, due to the situation in Ukraine, there is an acute shortage of this material. Czech neonatologists, the Czech Center Kyiv, the Nedoklubko and the Ukrainian parents' association Early Birds have teamed up to secure finance, purchase and deliver the specific material needed to Ukrainian maternity hospitals as soon as possible.

"All premature babies are real superheroes because they fight for their lives every day: They learn to breathe, keep warm, eat, gain weight. But even superheroes need help!"

The Early Birds Parents Association supports the families of premature babies in Ukraine.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


Mariana Boor
CZK 500

Sláva Ukrajině

Olga Fišerová
CZK 1,000

Myslíme na Vás!!!

Romana Hubková
CZK 500

Pro miminka...

CZK 200

Ať hrůza války co nejdřív skončí a vaše děti vyrůstají v míru. Držte se!

Marie Bordier
CZK 1,000

Obrovské díky za vše, co v téhle těžké době děláte. Přeji všem miminkům, aby se narodila zdravá, milovaná a hlavně v míru . 🕊 💗

Hana Hecquet
CZK 1,000

слава україні

Karel Šprinc
CZK 500

Myslime na Vas!

Jana Ryparova
CZK 1,000

Předčasný start do života je náročný pro děti i rodiče, natož v podmínkách, na které snad ani nechci myslet..

Jana Papáčková
CZK 2,000

Ať žijí tito malí hrdinové a malé hrdinky.

Tereza Lišková
CZK 222