Families affected by a child's serious illness have their lives and everyday reality completely changed. One parent, most often the mother, stays athome and devotes most of her energy to caring for the child every day. Day and night, mom has to beready to help him with everything and tries not to let his condition suddenly worsened. Dad has to work in the bes tway to support the family financially. Healthy siblings also help, and parents have less time for them subsequently. It's exhausting for every member of the family. In many ways, these families rely on doctors, nurses, caregivers, therapists, socialworkers, and other specialists to help them immensely.
However, more and more professionals are needed in pediatric palliative care. The ideal we try to reach is the professional team available as soon as possible for every family that needs them. The family must have a professional source of knowledge, advice, and tips on the most effective care and help. The experienced team also helps the family members to deal with urgent situations and provides relief. We believe that investing in the development and training of professionals makes a real difference. It will pay off in the long term by helping many families in challenging situations. Professional support can significantly improve the lives of many children and their parents.
We will soon announce our first public grant call focusing on supporting the education of professionals and raising awareness of children's palliative care. We will distribute all the funds raised to pediatric palliative care providers and organizations and even add more. We have decided to quadruple every crown you donate.
If you want to work with us to improve care for seriously ill children, please donate using this form.
Donations in cash will not be accepted at the Cibulka Open 2022 festival. Anyone can attend, no tickets are needed.
Thank you for your kind support, and we look forward to seeing you at Cibulka on 14th May 2022.
Vlček Family Foundation's team
Včera jsem měla možnost zase po x letech být uvnitř usedlosti Cibulka, dost často chodím kolem venčit psa a musím říct, že jsem se tam cítila velmi dobře, už teď tam byl vidět velký kus práce, prokouklo to tam👍, fandím tomuto projektu!
Zdravím rodinu Vlčkových,
moc si Vás vážím a přeji zdar vašemu dílu - znovuzrození usedlosti Cibulka a pomoci nemocným dětem a jejich rodinám.
Prosím o potvrzení daru pro daňové účely.
Vše dobré přeje
Pavel Jiřičný :-)
DĚKUJEME za vše!!!! 🙏🏽
Děkujeme za vaši iniciativu, jste skvělí.
Moc dekujeme za to, co delate
Děkuji manželům Vlčkovým za to, co dělají, za co bojují a co do dnešního dne dokázali.Velmi si jich vážím a přeji, aby měli kolem sebe mnoho lidí s tak dobrým srdcem, jako mají oni.
Děkujeme, že pomáháte.
Díky. We Love you!
Dekujeme za to, co delate!