České centrum fundraisingu, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Inspire Dreaming of Kids Who Do Not Dare to Dream!

We all have dreams and desires. Or almost all. Kids who have been growing up not expecting anything good in life inhibit dreaming. It is practical, it hurts less.

we started on 2022-05-01

Inspire their courage to dream right now!


supported by

9 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
We all have dreams and desires. Or almost all. Some adults stop dreaming and they lose this extraordinary capacity to imagine what could be if they trie hard enough to make at least part of it come true. Can you, however, envision a child who does not dream?

We encounter such children in our programs. They were born into circumstances that has been so difficult and hopeless that they do not dare to dream. It is their way to avoid disappointment, for they have been let down so many time before when their dreams and desires repeatedly failed to materialise...

Kids who have been growing up not expecting anything good in life inhibit dreaming. It is practical, it hurts less. However, deep down in their hearts and souls, they keep this precious capacity, waiting to bring it back to life. With your help, they will succeed!  After all, this is what we adults are here for.

Inspire their courage to dream right now!

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