More than 20 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing famine. Due to extreme drought people don't have enough water for their families and livestock that is their source of livelihood.
Your donations will help provide a source of water for the affected population, for food and the reduction of livestock's mortality.
Humanitarian aid will be sent to Somali, Etiopia where the droughts are most extreme. More than 50 % of Etiopia's population are people below 20 years old. High percentage of casualities will be children.
Help will be primarily offered to the most vulnerable individuals - single mothers, disabled and old people.
Thank you for helping people in need with us!
More than 20 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing famine. Due to extreme drought people don't have enough water for their families and livestock that is their source of livelihood.
Your donations will help provide a source of water for the affected population, for food and the reduction of livestock's mortality.
Humanitarian aid will be sent to Somali, Etiopia where the droughts are most extreme. More than 50 % of Etiopia's population are people below 20 years old. High percentage of casualities will be children.
Help will be primarily offered to the most vulnerable individuals - single mothers, disabled and old people.
Thank you for helping people in need with us!
Hodně štěstí
Chvála Pánu!
Až je přínosem tento dar dětem a matkám ať se zastaví zneužívání dětí a žen at mají dobry život s láskou v lasce
Bůh Vás ochraňuj :)
Děkujeme! I Vás...
Po letech stravenych v Etiopii vim, ze vychodni roh Afriky potrebuje pomoci vice nez dost. (castka je vybrana mezi nasimi prateli v ramci svatebnich daru)
Rád bych aby tento příspěvek pomohl alespoň trochu k tomu aby se někdo v Africe měl tak dobře jako já a mohl se každý den napít čisté vody.
Mnohokrát děkujeme za vaši štědrost a sounáležitost. Velice si vaší pomoci druhým vážíme. Přejeme vám mnoho krásného do nového roku.
Bůh Vám pomáhej :)
Dobrý den, moc vám děkujeme, že takto pomáháte a že můžeme pomáhat s vámi ! ❤😊🙏
Treba nezapominat i na jine kouty sveta, v dnesni dobe. Par let jsem v Etiopii pobyval, tedy i blizke mne osobne.