Olga Havlová, the founder of the Olga Havel Foundation, has always tried to help people who were ill, abandoned, and living in undignified conditions. This year she would have celebrated her 90th birthday. On this occasion, we have started a collection to raise a symbolic CZK 900,000 to help disadvantaged people. Successfully reaching the target amount and then distributing it among the people in need would be the best birthday present for Olga.
You can carry with us the light of good will that Olga Havel awakened in others. Donate to the collection Gift for Olga set up for her 90th birthday. Please help those in need as Olga would.
The collection is part of the national campaign Olga is Here with Us, which commemorates the significant anniversary of Olga Havel. Throughout the year we will be commemorating Olga's legacy at many events across the Czech Republic. In March, the premiere of Song for Olga, composed by Aneta Langerová in honour of Olga Havel, was performed at a gala benefit concert. This song is performed by local choirs at dozens of meetings at the Olga Havel Trees.
On 11 July 2023, the anniversary of Olga's birth, Bishop Václav Malý celebrated Mass in Týn Cathedral. Throughout the year, there are exhibitions of photographs "Olga Havlová and the Committee of Good Will" throughout the Czech Republic.
Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám, milá a na pořád inspirující Olgo!
Dobrý den, jsem velmi potěšena , že dnes proběhne vzpomínkový koncert na paní Olgu Havlovou. Několikrát jsem se s ní setkala díky VDV a práci s hendikepovanými dětmi. Byla velmi laskavý člověk se zářícíma očima. Když odešla , čekali jsme více než 4 hodiny , než jsme mohli položit k její rakvi květiny. A když jsme odcházeli , byla řada čekajících s květinami v rukou stále stejně dlouhá...A.Kalináčová
Všechno nejlepší Olze i VDV! Díky za to, co děláte...