Nadační fond Be Charity

Children, Youth and Family Health

BELIEVE IN YOUR PATH | Lenka Poláčková

I will run 2000 kilometers across the entire Alps to support the Children's Cardiology Center at the Motol University Hospital and to be able to acquire the latest ultrasound equipment, which will make it possible to detect heart disease as early as the 12th week of pregnancy, or to monitor the result of heart surgery immediately after the operation.

we started on 2023-05-03
Join me in helping the children whose hearts are fragile.
Please adopt my kilometers.
raised 143 % out of  €127,602

supported by

8468 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
These endeavors and narratives serve as a testament that when numerous individuals unite, remarkable achievements can be accomplished. The cumulative amount of CZK 3,235,346 was raised last year, serving as a benchmark for this year's fundraising goal. The initial two million CZK for the Children's Cardiology Center situated at the Motol University Hospital. Upon reaching this objective, further plans will be divulged, which are bound to be extraordinary.

2000 km
8 Alpine countries
44 border crossings
And one common goal that will heal many children's hearts.

“The Alps by length" is actually Plan B. However, it's exactly the type of route that reminds you that to grow, we must set higher goals. These goals should surpass our current capabilities and instill a sense of trepidation. 

The 2000 km route is twice the distance of any I have previously finished, making this endeavor an immense physical and psychological challenge. Despite the skepticism surrounding my abilities during my initial project in 2018, I find myself here embarking on my seventh long-distance trail, driven by the desire to make a positive impact.

And not just me - my husband Honza provides unwavering support (along with our dog and cat), and my family and friends encourage me from afar. Additionally, thousands of strangers who have (never) met me have adopted my kilometers because they "believe in my journey”.

Thank you for that, and I promise that as long as I can, I'll keep running. And when I can't, I'll at least walk ...

Wild Hearts Club
The phenomenal mountaineer Reinhold Messner said, "The best things are the things we do, not the things we have."

So, let's achieve this big goal together. How? Wherever you are, with what you he up with your personal challenge.
  1. Create a sub-challenge to the 'Ver svojej ceste' project at
  2. Complete your challenge during the project's duration.
  3. Believe in your journey.
  4. Share your challenge with your family, colleagues, and friends, and ask them to support you by adopting your kilometers.
As a thank you for completing your challenge, I invite you to celebrate our joint success, which will take place on July 1, 2023.

Join me and create your challenge. We're founding the Wild Hearts Club.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for standing (or running :) alongside me throughout my seventh endeavor. Your support means the world to me, and I genuinely believe that acts of kindness are reciprocated manifold throughout our lives.

You can follow our daily progress here (sorry Slovak & Czech only):

As well as you can check tracker where am I here:


Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

K meninkám 💐


#pomoc tým, ktorí to potrebujú #inšpirácia pre tých, čo môžu
#obdiv pre takých, ako ste vy
Ď A K U J E M E 🫶

Michal T
CZK 250

Kto má srdce má všetko.

Lenka Gabrisova

Jste úžasná! Klobouk dolů za to, co děláte pro ostatní! Držte se!


Leni vsetko nahlepsie k meninam. Bezis 2x tolko tak prispievam druhy krat.. Zelam hladky dobeh. Drz sa.

Jana Šelmeciová
CZK 300

Leni, všechno nejlepší k narozeninám 🎉 jste úžasná žena 🥰 ať ve zdraví dojdete těch zbývajících 300km 🚶🏼‍♀️

Marcela Procházková
CZK 300

teda ta virtualna bonboniera Lenka :) nemam slov na to co dokazes dosiahnut, mas vsetok moj obdiv a respekt a silno drzim palce aby ti vyslo splnit si vsetky sny a nielen svoje ale i tych, ktorych takouto cestou podporujes, prajem vsetko dobre! :)



Karol Vaclavik
CZK 500

Run Lenka, run! 🧡

Juliana Ďatelinková
CZK 300

Lenka(dovolim si tykat), ty si osobnost! Žena co prekonava samu seba aby mohla pomoct. Ty si pre mna skutocny influencer! Nevyuzivas svoj vplyv na vlastne obohatenie, naopak, siahas na svoje dno, aby si pomohla tam kde je to potrebne a vedies k tomu inych
