Cool Critters z.s.


Please help us pay the bill for our "broken" Indie

Indie came to us with lots of problems and we knew she would be a work in progress. We've knick named her Frankenstein's monster because we knew we will have to put her together again.

we started on 2023-09-24
raised 139 % out of  €199

supported by

10 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Indie came to us with lots of problems and we knew she would be a work in progress. We've knick named her Frankenstein's monster because we knew we will have to put her together again.

She's been castrated, treated for heartworm microfilaria, giardia, now she had her tooth removed and soon she will have a paw surgery. We noticed she was struggling with her back legs and we had the hips x-rayed to make sure she did not have any problems, the conclusion of the x-ray was good and then we discovered it's over compensation for the front paw being defected.

Once the front leg is repaired we hope she'll walk normally in the future. Meanwhile she had to have her tooth extracted which cost another 5000 CZK, very unexpectedly. Can you please help us pay this bill for our little "monster"? She is an absolute sweetheart and she deserves only the best the future can bring her. 

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