The Endowment Fund of Charles University announces a fundraiser to support the families of the victims, teachers, and students affected by the shooting at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
All funds raised will be used to provide targeted assistance to those affected by this tragedy. The use will be coordinated with the management of the Faculty of Arts.
Further information will be added soon.
All funds raised will be used to provide targeted assistance to those affected by this tragedy. The use will be coordinated with the management of the Faculty of Arts.
Further information will be added soon.
🖤 Upřímnou soustrast všem. Je nám to moc líto. Jsme s Vámi ❤️
Krvácí mi srdce za všechny ty dobré lidi, za jejich rodiny i za školu, kam jsem tak ráda chodila.
Je mi to nesmírně líto...
Upřímnou soustrast všem pozůstalým.
Je suis FF UK.
Nikdo a nic nás nerozdělí.
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Držíme Vám pěsti, ať tento podivný čas zvládnete co nejlépe a co nejrychleji...