Thanks to your regular contributions we will be able
to tell history through the eyes of those who actually lived it.
And what benefits will it bring you?
- We'll keep you updated on how your money is helping
- We'll invite you to unique social and cultural events that we host just for club members
- You will have the opportunity to take part in guided tours and trips to places associated with interesting stories of the poeple we interview, or even meet them
- You will be able to apply a 50% discount on the entry fee for the Run for the Memory of Nations
- Your regular contributions will enable us to tell history through the eyes of those who actually lived it.
- You set your own contribution amount and can stop at any time
- You will have the opportunity to vote for the winners of the Memory of Nations Awards
to tell history through the eyes of those who actually lived it.
And what benefits will it bring you?
- We'll keep you updated on how your money is helping
- We'll invite you to unique social and cultural events that we host just for club members
- You will have the opportunity to take part in guided tours and trips to places associated with interesting stories of the poeple we interview, or even meet them
- You will be able to apply a 50% discount on the entry fee for the Run for the Memory of Nations
- Your regular contributions will enable us to tell history through the eyes of those who actually lived it.
- You set your own contribution amount and can stop at any time
- You will have the opportunity to vote for the winners of the Memory of Nations Awards
How to enter the Club?
You become a member of the Friends of the Memory of the Nation Club by making regular contributions of at least CZK 100.
What will we do with your contributions?
For a regular monthly donation of CZK 200, we will make two hours of audio recordings or translate four memoirs.
For a regular monthly contribution of 500 CZK, we will make a complete audio recording of a memoirist once a year, including editing and translation.
For a regular monthly contribution of CZK 1,000, we will make a complete video recording of the memoir once a year using the EyeDirect method, including editing and translation.
You become a member of the Friends of the Memory of the Nation Club by making regular contributions of at least CZK 100.
What will we do with your contributions?
For a regular monthly donation of CZK 200, we will make two hours of audio recordings or translate four memoirs.
For a regular monthly contribution of 500 CZK, we will make a complete audio recording of a memoirist once a year, including editing and translation.
For a regular monthly contribution of CZK 1,000, we will make a complete video recording of the memoir once a year using the EyeDirect method, including editing and translation.
Příběhy moderních dějin by se měly v mnohém větší míře zabudovat do školních osnov...
Prosím pokračujte, děláte to skvěle
Děkuji Vám za připomínání naší historie
Děkuji za záchranu odkazů těch, na které bychom si bez Vás nevzpomněli.
Je to nutné. Díky Vám!
Je potřeba udržovat paměť národa stále svěží!
Díky za to, co děláte, ráda o Vás poslouchám hlavně na radiu Český rozhlas Plus
Dobrý den,
To, co děláte mi dává velký smysl, protože to je činnost nikoli jen pro nás tady a teď, ale jak říká indiánská moudrost je to významné pro minimálně sedm příštích generací.
Ať se Vám dílo daří
Děkuji za vaší práci, díky které mohu pravidelně poslouchat příběhy lidí, o nichž bych se jinak nikdy nedozvěděla. Pro pochopení současnosti je důležité znát minulost.