Sue Ryder


Collection for a dignified ride for the oldest among us

Hand on heart, who among us would drive a vehicle over 25 years old without worrying that it will never start again or be left standing in the middle of the road? It's the same with an elevator that has logged thousands of miles, stopped on demand and safely reported a given floor. For the safety of Sue Ryder's clients, their families, caregivers, animal therapists, and anyone who can't say, "I'm walking today," we're folding in a new one that will serve for the next 25 years. Please donate now.

we started on 2024-04-22

Please donate a gift for the oldest among us.❤️

raised 78 % out of  €77,780

expires in

30 days

supported by

421 people
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The elevator is the beating heart of Sue Ryder. For decades, it has been used by caregivers, nurses, and especially clients, Mrs. Helena, Mrs. Jiří and other seniors who cannot get around without wheels. It has taken them to the garden to see the sun, to memory training, to rehab and to chapel prayers. It remembers war veterans, St. Nicholas Day parades and family visits. It drove both feline and canine therapists. It brought doctors and paramedics. The elevator at Sue Ryder has been resuscitated several times, and the verdict is clear. The heart of the elevator at Sue Ryder stops beating, so we start collection for a new one. Please join this ride.

Thank you for your generosity.🧡

Monika Havlová
Tel: +420 775 429 446

Domov Sue Ryder, z. ú. 
Everyone in the country should have the chance to experience their old age and the old age of their loved ones with dignity. That's why Sue Ryder has been here since 1998. Hundreds of human stories. Thousands of hours of help. Thanks to working professionals, donors, volunteers and you.


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