
NePornu, z. s.

Giving Information

Your gift can offer freedom and a new beginning

Our goal is to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography and to help (especially through e-coaching) those who are struggling with addictive behavior connected with watching pornography.

we started on 2024-11-08

Support NePornu

raised 131 % out of  €19,988

supported by

175 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

You can help someone break free from the grip of porn addiction: Your gift can offer freedom and a new beginning!

Imagine the journey of Michal, who discovered pornography at age 14. 
What started as curiosity grew into an addiction that slowly took over his life.
It wasn’t long before I couldn’t go a day without it,” Michal recalls. 
His addiction led to isolation, damaged his relationships, and ultimately
destroyed his marriage.

Michal’s story is not unique - sadly, porn addiction is affecting people across generations.

In the past eight years, traffic to pornographic sites has surged by 80%.
What’s more, up to 85% of children today have access to pornography on their phones, with many encountering it by accident.

This widespread exposure is creating a crisis that demands urgent
intervention - and NePornu offers that intervention
and a chance to break free from porn addiction to children, teenagers and adults like Michal.

Through NePornu’s support and guidance, Michal found freedom and a chance to start again.

Will you give the gift of freedom and new beginning to others like Michal by donating to NePornu today? 
NePornu showed me I wasn’t alone,” he shares. “I found hope, and I found a way out.
🎁 Some NePornu donors saw our campaign and were so moved by Michal’s story that they’ve offered to match every single gift we raise—including yours. That means if you give €50, it will instantly become €100, doubling the impact of your generosity!

Will you support NePorn with your donation today, so that together we can help more people who are addicted to pornography, just like Michal was?

Please consider supporting us today. Only together can we change lives.

Thank you for your generosity; we truly appreciate your support!
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Thank you all for your donations towards helping people struggling with pornography addiction. We appreciate that you are in this together with us :)

Also, we want to thank the firm Ageus Reha, s.r.o. for doubling all the donations, specifically for donating 350,000 CZK! 

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Organizace pomáhá mně, a chci aby pomohla i ostatním. Sice můj dar není nějak velký ale i přesto věřím, že každý dar pomáhá.

CZK 100


CZK 1,000

Cesta smerom ku zdraviu!

Martin Stráňava
CZK 2,000

Díky za vaši práci. Jen tak dál!