What is Nocleženka?
Nocleženka is a voucher in the value of CZK 100, which enables one homeless person to spend a night in the warmth. However, it includes not only overnight accommodation, but also other assistance and development of our social services.
In connection with Nocleženka, we offer homeless people the following:
- Overnight stay in a Salvation Army hostel
- Soup with bread and a warm beverage
- The possibility to perform personal hygiene
- Health check and examination in our clinic
- Meeting with a social worker, who will help the given person sort out his/her life situation
- Possibility of continuing in the Salvation Army’s system of social services
A homeless person’s journey definitely does not end with one night in a hostel. The main, long-term goal of the entire project is to return people to ordinary life and to get them to a point where they no longer need Nocleženka and are fully self-sufficient.
Nocleženka is a voucher in the value of CZK 100, however if you decide to contribute a larger amount, we will be very grateful and we will use all of the money for the direct care of homeless people – for example financing of renovation and growth of hostels, improvement of the environment in which we provide our services to homeless people, etc.
Therefore, we would like to thank you on behalf of everyone for whom you are making this journey possible.
Nocleženka is a voucher in the value of CZK 100, which enables one homeless person to spend a night in the warmth. However, it includes not only overnight accommodation, but also other assistance and development of our social services.
In connection with Nocleženka, we offer homeless people the following:
- Overnight stay in a Salvation Army hostel
- Soup with bread and a warm beverage
- The possibility to perform personal hygiene
- Health check and examination in our clinic
- Meeting with a social worker, who will help the given person sort out his/her life situation
- Possibility of continuing in the Salvation Army’s system of social services
A homeless person’s journey definitely does not end with one night in a hostel. The main, long-term goal of the entire project is to return people to ordinary life and to get them to a point where they no longer need Nocleženka and are fully self-sufficient.
Nocleženka is a voucher in the value of CZK 100, however if you decide to contribute a larger amount, we will be very grateful and we will use all of the money for the direct care of homeless people – for example financing of renovation and growth of hostels, improvement of the environment in which we provide our services to homeless people, etc.
Therefore, we would like to thank you on behalf of everyone for whom you are making this journey possible.
Přeji teplou dobrou noc 🎄
Pomáhat ostatním by mělo být samozřejmostí.
Brácha Ondřej (30let) mi řekl že na Vánoce chce abychom byli všichni zdraví a taky pusu :-) Tak mu jako "věcný dar" pod stromeček dávám možnost 3 lidem přespat v teple a využít služeb Armády spásy :-) Kéž se lidé, kteří tuto pomoc potřebují, brzy postaví na své nohy a pomáhají zase jiným lidem nebo zvířatům. Vánoce mají své kouzlo! Vlaďka Drozdová
Veselejší Vánoce! :-)
Hezké sny v teple! ❤️
Dobrou noc <3.
Doufam, ze tato noclezenka se stane odrazovym mustkem. Hodne sil v teto tezke zivotni situaci. A preji si, aby pristi Vanoce treba dotycny/a oslavil/a ve svem pronajatem byte. Jana K. Brno.
Krásné vánoce a šťastnější příští rok obdarovaným!
Díky za Vaší práci! Za 100 Kč se toho moc nepořídí a Vy přitom dokážete pomoci mnoha lidem.