ADRA, o.p.s.

Help to South Moravia Humanitarian Aid

Tornado in the Czech Republic: Immediate emergency aid

HELP AREAS OF SOUTH MORAVIA AFFECTED BY A TORNADO! It took only a few minutes and people lost almost everything. ADRA opened a public collection shortly after the disaster because the situation in the tornado affected communities required a quick solution. Donations will be used primarily on direct assistance to the affected population. Thank you for helping us!


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It took only a few minutes and people lost almost everything. The situation in the tornado affected communities needed a quick solution. 

On Thursday 24th June, a tornado badly hit the area of seven South Moravian villages. Till now, 7 people died and hundreds of people were injured. Hundreds of houses were totally damaged and will have to be pulled down. Tornadoes are very rare in the Czech Republic. A tornado of such an extent had never hit this area before. 

"It wasn't until dawn that the real effects of the devastating tornado were revealed. The streets are a complete ruin, some streets or parts of the villages will need to be rebuilt. This event is exceptional in its scope," described the situation Josef Koláček, emergency coordinator of the humanitarian organization ADRA CZ. About 1,200 houses have been damaged.

To assess the damages caused by the devastating tornado, ADRA field teams were inspecting houses in a village called Moravská Nová Ves. ADRA CZ was helping to get plastic sheets to cover roofs, generators, and many other construction materials. Our psychosocial teams were providing psychological first aid for over a year.

ADRA CZ was coordinating the aid with other organizations and units of the rescue integrated system and with The South Moravian Crisis Staff. The donations wre used mainly for direct assistance to the affected population.

Thank you for your solidarity. Thank you for helping with us!


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Hodně štěstí a psychické síly zasaženým lidem.

Dominik Bareš

Držte te. V myšlenkách jsme s Vámi. Vašíčkovi z Mariánských Lázních

Jan Vašíček

Přeji všem lidem postižených oblastí hodně sil, zdravou mysl.

Eva Kurková

Držte se...

Michaela Mašková Vlčková
CZK 1,000

Hodně sil,myslíme na Vás...

Petra Zemanová
CZK 500

Hodně síly!

Kevin Kesner
CZK 1,000

B21 Matouš Kapitola22 Verš 37-39

Jan Fijak

Snad trochu pomůže

Lukáš Gulak
CZK 1,000

pomoc pro Moravu

Tomáš Fojtík
CZK 300

Přátelé, Kamarádi,
jsem invalida bez nohou, tak alespoň tuto částku v mých možnostech vám posílám. Jsem s vámi, dokážu si představit, co prožíváte - sám jsem aktivně pomáhal při evakuacích a odstraňování následků povodní 2002 v Č. Budějovicích. Myšlenkami jsem s vámi, držte se, posílám spousty energie, pozitivního myšlení a mějte pevné zdraví.
Pája Škola

Pavel Škola
CZK 1,000