CARE Česká republika

Humanitarian Aid Development Aid

CARE Česká republika

CARE is one of the most important international humanitarian organisations fighting hunger and poverty in the most vulnerable parts of the world. Life in the developing world is often a daily struggle for survival. Such a struggle becomes almost impossible when disaster strikes. Floods, earthquakes, war or riots can destroy life and all property in an instant. In 2023, CARE packages helped 70 million people in 109 countries. Thank you for your support.CARE is one of the most important international humanitarian organisations fighting hunger and poverty in the most vulnerable parts of the world. Life in the developing world is often a daily struggle for survival. Such a struggle becomes almost impossible when disaster strikes. Floods, earthquakes, war or riots can destroy life and all property in an instant. In 2023, CARE packages helped 70 million people in 109 countries. Thank you for your support.

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Send your CARE aid package today.
Your support helps us fight hunger, malnutrition and poverty in countries facing crises. Your donation provides invaluable support for those who are fighting for their lives right now, You can also choose a recurring donation on the donation form, which will be deposited in our CARE Crisis Fund of aid packages for immediate relief for people in need.

Thank you for giving people a chance at a decent life and a better future through CARE.
Your donation to CARE Czech Republic z.s. is tax deductible. You will automatically receive a donation receipt from us at the beginning of the year.Send your aid package today.
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Věřím, že když každý, kdo má dostatek, pomůže nějakou částkou, nakonec nikdo nebude zcela v nedostatku.

Jan Berg
CZK 1,500

Děkuji za Vaši práci.

Jiří Svoboda
CZK 1,500

Zdeněk Franc
CZK 1,000

Veselé Vánoce.

Jana Hrčková
CZK 1,500

Pomáhejte, pomáhejte, ...

Radek Strnad
CZK 500

Hlad je to poslední, co by děti měli mít.

Miroslava Synková

Děkuji za vaší práci.

Pavla Papežová

Klára Vlková
CZK 500

Doufám, že takto pomůžu potřebným.

CZK 500

Přeji zdar vaší Bohulibé činnosti.

Irena H.
CZK 1,000