Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Ratolest Brno

We are Ratolest Brno and we have been helping children, young people and whole families in need since 1995. We help our clients find a way out of dangerous and difficult life situations or to avoid them completely. We provide assistance to more than 500 people each year.

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We help wherever help is needed, we guide our clients through the most difficult points of their lives. We are mentors and support for children and young people. We offer our clients quailty and meaningful ways to spend their time. We don't just solve problems, we can help our clients to avoid them in the first place. One of the fundamental pillars of our work is prevention. We don't just solve clients problems, we find the root cause of their difficulties and adress it to actually improve their lives. We save public funds thanks to our early and effective help.

We believe that to almost any problem there is a solution. Sometimes you just need to have someone who can help, advise and offer support whenever or whever you can't deal with the problem on your own.

Your support is extremaly valuable for us and our work. Thank you very much!



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K zítřejšímu dni dětí jsme se za skautský oddíl PaV rozhodli darovat zbylé peníze z letošních akcí tomuto projektu. Vidíme v něm smysl, i v našem oddíle máme děti vypořádávající se s podobnými problémy a chceme pomáhat, když můžeme.

skautský oddíl Paráda a Vlčáci
CZK 500