Prague Pride z.s.

Culture, Art and History Human Rights

The Prague Pride Festival supports the visibility of LGBT + people in the Czech Republic

The 14th year of the festival will take place from August 5 to 11, 2024 The theme of this year's Prague Pride festival is FAMILY. We want to show that family is not just mom, dad and child/children. And also that queer families have always been here. Family is where the love is.

The Prague Pride Festival

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Let LGBT+ people experience a sense of unity! 

The Prague Pride Festival is not just a parade through the city, although it may seem so from the media. In fact, we are preparing a week-long festival with a variety of fun, educational and educational events. We believe that everyone will find something for themselves there!

Parties, concerts, queer art exhibitions, and debates are just a small sample of the rich program that the Prague Pride Festival offers every year.

The priority for the Prague Pride team is that everyone can be themselves and experience a real sense of belonging during the festival week. For this reason, the vast majority of events will be open for free.

Are you interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation contract? Contact Sabina at


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Miluju Vás!!

Denis Petránek

Rád jsem přispěl na dobrou věc. Děláte to dobře.

Jiří Mazanec
CZK 1,500

Have a great festival!

Corinna Uhr

Držím palce!!! Bez Prague Pride to nejde ;)

Kristián Jaček

New Year New Pride.. Can't wait!

Gizela Kova
CZK 1,000

Držím palce lidem, kteří prosazují slušnou a tolerantní diskusi o věcech týkajících se důstojnosti nás všech. Ať už patříme k většině nebo menšině.

Jan Novák

Držím palce sousedním zemím a děkuji všem organizátorům a dobrovolníkům Prague Pride!

Wanda Hu
CZK 222

Přeji hezký den. :-)

Lukáš Fojtík
CZK 150

Láska je jen jedna

Michal Šlahař
CZK 500

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Martin Novak
CZK 500