People in Need - Člověk v tísni

Help for Ukraine Development Aid

SOS Ukraine

Thank you for helping us help in Ukraine! We will use your donation to help those affected by the war in Ukraine. We have helped more than 5 million people since we started working in the country in 2014. We provide financial support to people whose lives have been turned upside down by the war so they can buy food and other necessities. We are repairing damaged homes and drinking water sources. We are creating safe environments for children and helping them to overcome gaps in their education. We repair school shelters so students can attend school full-time. We write grants to start new businesses or to help develop existing ones. We also look after mental health, with our psychologists running a 24-hour helpline. We also support independent media and help document war crimes. In the Czech Republic, we focus on those who lack resources, cannot work, have health problems, or are caring for others.

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Being in the country since 2014 allowed us to start helping immediately after the 2022 Russian invasion. We have built a network of more than 200 partners. We work with local organisations, civil society initiatives, government bodies, and academia to strengthen people's self-reliance and resilience while helping to provide for basic needs. We protect the rights of people affected by war and advocate for long-term solutions. 
Thank you for helping with us. Please find more at


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Děkujeme, že můžeme díky Vám alespoň trochu pomáhat👍

Tomáš Sláma
CZK 10,000

All the very best wishes from the U.K, sorry our government are useless !

Tim Treleaven

Cítím úctu k lidu, který se tak obětavě brání ruskému fašismu.

Jiří Keil
CZK 5,000

Hodně sil a odhodláni..

Daniel Franczyk
CZK 500

Nevim jak jinak , snad jen takhle , snad trochu momohu.

Jiří Pertl
CZK 1,000

Thank you for your work, and for giving me an opportunity to help Ukrainians who are suffering.

Adam Schorr

Drzim palce vsem rodinam, detem, mazlickum, vojakum a hlavne i tem, co pomahaji primo na miste nebo v uprchlickych centrech! ❤️

Michaela Sykorova

ruská válečná lodi, táhni do pr....! držím palce všem lidem na ukrajině, jak ukrajicům kteří brání svůj domov, tak i těm sotva plnoletým klukům v základní vojenské službě co je ruskej diktátor poslal proti jejich vůli do boje aby se mohli co nejdřív vrátit domů a nemuseli nikoho zabít, držím palce těm co zvládli utéct a všem co jim pomáhají, držím palce rusům co protestují proti režimu v rusku, a držím palce všem co pomáhají dobré věci, láska a pravda zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí!

Jan Procházka
CZK 7,777

We held a charity event to raise funds to help victims in Ukraine. I need a donation confirmation right now to report to the people who donated and the accounting department.
Thanks you and have a nice day

Iana Pavlenko
CZK 35,000

#desatekproukrajinu přeposlaný příspěvek od Haničky K.

Andrea Leová
CZK 150