Thank you for helping us help in Ukraine! We will use your donation to help those affected by the war in Ukraine. We have helped more than 5 million people since we started working in the country in 2014. We provide financial support to people whose lives have been turned upside down by the war so they can buy food and other necessities. We are repairing damaged homes and drinking water sources. We are creating safe environments for children and helping them to overcome gaps in their education. We repair school shelters so students can attend school full-time. We write grants to start new businesses or to help develop existing ones. We also look after mental health, with our psychologists running a 24-hour helpline. We also support independent media and help document war crimes. In the Czech Republic, we focus on those who lack resources, cannot work, have health problems, or are caring for others.
Zvládněte to! Слава Україні!
Our prayers are with the people of Ukraine. We will continue to support.
Debra Scarbo and Lauren Sturdivant
Ať pomůžou
Věřím, že můj dar použijete pro skutečnou pomoc dětem a maminkám z Ukrajiny, které jsou na našem území
Přejeme Ukrajině mír co nejdříve, aby se mohli vrátit domů a vybudovat novou moderní zemi.
Snad to aspon nejak pomuze, drzte se a bojujte. Doufam ze to brzo dobre skonci!
From Kip, Albert and Angela Bauersfeld to the people of Ukraine. Fuck Putin.
Nenechame Vas v tom💙💛
Contribution from Xavier Pierre
Ať zvítězí moc lásky nad láskou k moci, jsme s Vámi Ukrajino...